
Showing posts from September, 2023

Convenient Coconut Milk Ice Cubes

Maybe the end of September isn't the best time for an ice cube post, but for me, these convenient coconut milk ice cubes are something that I use year round. In today's post I'm showing you a fun and simple trick to help you upgrade your drinks or save left over coconut milk. I personally am a huge fan of coconut milk in soups, but especially in fun drinks. Other people love it too since the coconut milk trend has really grown in popularity and has made its way into a wide range of beverages, including Starbuck's favorite Pink Drink.  And even if you already love and use coconut milk, this is another great way to elevate your sipping experience or impress friends. The Rise of Coconut Milk :) Coconut milk, if the name didn't already give it away, is derived from the flesh of mature coconuts and is exploding in popularity as an alternative to traditional dairy and plant-based milk options.  I highly suggest trying coconut milk if... You are Dairy-Free or going plant b...

5 Seconds to Stop Procrastinating

If I could name one thing that blocks productivity, it would probably be procrastination. Like that dirty load of laundry that still needs to get done, or the blog post you meant to write yesterday... Procrastination kind of sneaks up on us and sabotages our productivity because instead of outright not doing whatever the task is (which, usually isn't an option) we just delay and delay and delay and waste precious time while we're at it. I was actually scrolling social media when I discovered a 3 second rule about productivity and after doing some research I believe the idea comes from the "5 Second Rule." When I use this rule, I tend to get a lot more done and today's post is all about putting this tool in your arsenal too. And the part that not only caught, but kept my attention is that this rule is so, so simple. Because I'm all for making things as easy as possible. Especially when it comes to the tough tasks that we procrastinate on, it only makes sense to...

Mindset Matters

And we're back! For the past few months (all of this year, actually, but especially the last few months) this reoccurring concept of "mindset" keeps popping up. And I never thought about it much before. I heard the term "mindset" thrown around like confetti and only gave it one ear. But that's partially due to not understanding what "mindset" actually encompasses and how it actually shows up and effects my everyday life. And you probably know what "mindset" is. You probably even think you know your own mindset, but I hope you keep reading a little bit more so that you can not only remind yourself to be conscious of your mindset but understand how important it is to your life and life direction. The term mindset gets tossed around, usually with one or two options: positive or negative. But understanding your mindset isn't just about thinking positively; it's about how you tackle life's rollercoaster, dodge curveballs, and embra...

What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do

We've all experienced that feeling. Some of us more than others. You know, that feeling you get like when you're stuck in the world's longest line at the grocery store, and all you want is your delicious soy ice cream melting away in your cart?  Well, imagine that, but as it relates to your life. The overwhelming sense of not knowing what to do. And usually it's just a minor inconvenience.  But sometimes we get stuck in a rut and that feeling of indecision hangs around until it feels like we're diving off into the deep end of emotional and mental exhaustion.  The Importance of Breaking Free from Inaction In most situations that I've experienced, inaction tends to crop up (for me at least) as the ultimate saboteur in the way of my personal growth, success, and happiness. Because inaction keeps you parked in the same old rut, even if you don't like the rut you're in and would rather get out of it. And like I said before, usually this feeling of inaction is...