About Me

 Hi, I'm Amber

Welcome to The Modern Sage Life, a resource dedicated to helping you live your best life by providing friendly life advice, personal development tips, life hacks, and more.

About Me

Growing up, I was a pretty serious little kid. 

I was always wondering “why?” and asking what my mom called “big black box” questions like...

  • What is my purpose in life? 
  • What is happiness? 
  • How do I discover my passions? 

Questions no one seemed to be able to help me answer...

As I got older, these questions became more and more important and I started looking for some helpful advice. 

I read my Bible and went to church. 

I attended college and studied abroad. 

I got into personal development and became something of a natural health junkie.

Having graduated during the turmoil of the pandemic without securing a steady job, and recovering from the effects of a family tragedy, I can’t say this is what I envisioned for my 20s. 

But this is just the beginning and I hope you’ll join me on my adventure on this amazing thing called life!

Maybe you’re looking for some friendly advice, or encouragement, or ways to live more abundantly.  Whatever the reasons that brought you to my blog, I hope you will take away something helpful from my experiences (and even my mistakes).

What to Expect

With all that being said, I’m a jetsetter, aspiring writer, and linguist who also loves tea. So don’t be surprised when those posts pop up.

Where to go next

Check out our Home page for the latest blogs and hot new topics!

All rights reserved ©The Modern Sage Life

*Pictures from Google. All rights to the original source. No copyright intended.

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