10 Easy & Painless Weight Loss Tips

 July 18, 2022

Weight loss.

It always pops up, especially during the summer when we’re going on vacation and want to look good on the beach or in cutie summer dresses.

A lot of people also have a knee jerk reaction when they think about weight loss and go ‘ugh.’  Because it’s hard and the exact opposite of fun.

Well I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way! So before you decide to go hit the treadmill here are 10 easy tips that you can incorporate into your lifestyle that can help shave off a few pounds.

1. Hydration

This sounds like a ‘duh’ tip. But just because we know we should be hydrating well doesn’t mean we actually do it. Some studies speculate that up to 75% of people are chronically dehydrated (CBS News)! 

Remember that when you’re looking to drop some weight, water is your friend. 

Sometimes, when we feel snacky or peckish, it’s not that we’re actually hungry, but thirsty. So before you grab some munchies, ask yourself ‘are you actually hungry or just thirsty?’ and drink ¼ or ½ a cup of water and see. You might be surprised.

2. Quality Over Quantity

Which contains more processed calories, a bag of carrots or a bag of chips?

The chips, of course. But which would keep you feeling full longer, the bag of carrots or the bag of chips?

Well, probably the carrots. Actually, I’m not sure you could even eat an entire bag of carrots in one sitting. 

When people try to lose weight the first thing they do is restrict their eating. I’m not a huge fan of this practice because firstly, it takes a lot of willpower which is sustainable until you have a stressful day or encounter your favorite chocolate chip cookies. Secondly, by restricting how much you eat, it can sometimes throw your body into a sort of starvation mode instead of weight loss mode, so instead of losing weight, you pack on every single calorie you consume even if you are eating less.

So instead of immediately skipping meals or resigning yourself to feeling hungry all the time, instead think about prioritizing quality over quantity.

Instead of going for high calorie, highly processed foods like chips, pretzels, dry cereals, etc. go for better quality nutrition like an apple, a salad, whole grains, or an egg. 

If you do this, you might actually feel fuller than normal, even though you’re consuming less calories.

3. Listen to Some Megahertz

Everything has a frequency including weight loss. So why not take advantage of it and have your brain run that program by listening to some weight loss megahertz.

This is super easy and convenient because you can listen to it whenever; as background white noise while you work, when you’re working out, or even while you’re sleeping! Which brings us to number four…

4. Sleep

Instead of pointlessly scrolling social media, make it a point to take advantage of that time and turn in early. Your body will thank you. 

Going to sleep early helps you completely avoid the temptation to grab a midnight snack and helps you maintain your circadian rhythms. 

Some people believe that under normal circumstances, the body will only use up fat overnight. And ensuring that you get enough sleep will give you enough energy for tomorrow’s workout.

5. Add in Weight Loss Foods

In addition to eating better quality food, you can also add in some weight loss foods to give your body a boost in the right direction. Do your own research, but a great place to start is with…


Apple cider vinegar


Chili peppers

Ground flax seed

6. Reduce Stress

It’s not always convenient, but healthy weight loss tends to happen when your body is in a balanced/relaxed state. On the other hand, stress tends to cause weight gain. So look for some easy ways to reduce stress when losing weight.

And remember this includes all different types of stresses, not just physical/immune.

7. Don't Eat After Dinner / 8pm

 Metabolic function slows down with the rest of your body in the evening.

It is generally agreed that after a certain time, (say 8pm) your body will not metabolize anything you eat.

I’ve heard of some extreme people who didn’t eat dinner, in line with this thinking. Instead of going that extreme just give yourself a reasonable cut off, after which you’re done eating for the day. It can help you stick to the timing if you brush your teeth then too.

8. Change Up the Time or Type of Exercise

Our bodies are undeniably smart. Sometimes that works against us and our bodies can get too used to a certain type of exercise. So consider changing things up and trying something new.

If you jog a lot, why not take a day to try out Pilates or yoga or cycling? They’re all fun sweaty activities, just different types.

But, if it’s harder to change up the type of exercise, then consider doing your normal exercise just at a different time of day.

For example, if you always exercise after breakfast, why not try doing it before breakfast, or moving it to the evening and see what happens. Sometimes, just the change in time is enough to catch your body off guard and kick up your metabolism.

9. Drink Tea

When it comes to weight loss, not all teas are created equal.

Go for a green, herbal, or fermented tea (like pu’er).

These types of teas are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and other great chemical compounds! 

Green tea is especially good at providing gentle detox.

Herbal teas are great if you need something more flavorful or are sensitive to caffeine.

And fermented teas are great for weight loss because of their probiotic benefits (even if some of them do taste a little muddy).

This is an easy and enjoyable tip that you can add in iced or hot to your day.

10. Turn Off the TV

I know I’ve done it, we all have. Coming back from work, or ending the day it’s always tempting to turn on the TV or latest Netflix show over dinner. But that’s actually not great for your weight loss goals. When we watch TV, our minds kind of zone out. This means that our brains don’t do such a great job at keeping track of what we’re eating and we mindlessly eat. It’s a lot easier to eat more than you intended when you’re distracted. 

So turn off the TV, put away the phone and gadgets and take 30 minutes to consciously eat.

So there you have it, 10 easy tips for weight loss!

These are tips that I have personally used and I hope they can help you too. 

Weight loss isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be hard.

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