Chakras 101: Everything You Need to Know

 April 17, 2023

Hey there, friend! Lately I've been deep diving into a little more internal housecleaning and the subject of chakras is a reoccurring theme. So, I thought I'd share and demystify these energy centers.

If you're like the me from a few years ago, you might be wondering, "What are chakras anyway? And I've gone my entire life without knowing what a chakra is, does it really matter?" Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out!

What is a Chakra?

At its most basic concept, chakras are energy centers in the body. And there are seven main chakras, each with its own color and associated qualities which reside along your spine from the base all the way up to the top of your head. 

To get a good idea, think of chakras like little spinning wheels of light that keep your energy flowing smoothly. When your chakras are balanced and working well, you'll feel more whole both physically, mentally, and spiritually.

On the flip side, when your chakras get out of whack, depending on the situation, you might actual experience some physical symptoms like pain, crazy emotional, and a dissonant feeling inside.

That's all good an well, but not really practical. Well, actually it can be - extremely practical. 

Benefits: more balanced, connected, and more in tune with your inner self.

Because when you learn to work with your chakras, you can reap great benefits like feeling more balanced, more connected, and more in tune with your inner self. 

You might become more mindful and able to recognize patterns and behaviors that are holding you back, and release them much easier. Increased intuition and creativity are other great benefits.

The Seven Main Chakras

Time to break it down.

There are seven main chakras, and like a different type of ice cream, each one has its own unique flavor. 

Root Chakra

This powerhouse is all about grounding and stability and rootedness. 

It's located at the base of your spine and is closely associated with the color red. 

When your root chakra is balanced, you feel secure and connected to the earth.

Sacral Chakra

This one resides around your pelvis region just below your belly button and is unsurprisingly all about creativity and sensuality! 

This chakra is associated with the color orange. 

When your sacral chakra is balanced, you feel free to express yourself and enjoy pleasure.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus is all about personal power and confidence. 

It's located in your upper abdomen and is associated with the color yellow. 

When your solar plexus chakra is balanced, you feel strong and capable of achieving your goals.

Heart Chakra

Like the name implies, the heart chakra is all about love and is located in your chest near your heart region.

It is associated with the color green. 

When your heart chakra is balanced, you feel open and connected to others.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra sits right around your voice box and vocal chords so this chakra is all about communication and self-expression. 

It's associated with the color blue. 

When your throat chakra is balanced, you speak your truth with confidence and ease.

Third Eye Chakra

Maybe you've heard people talk about the third eye. Well, this is where the idea comes from. 

The third eye is all about intuition and inner wisdom. 

It's located in the center of your forehead (hence the name "third eye") and is associated with the color indigo. 

When your third eye chakra is balanced, you have a deep sense of inner knowing and can trust your instincts.

Crown Chakra

Last of the seven chakras is the crown chakra. 

This one is all about spiritual connection and enlightenment. 

It's located at the top of your head and is associated with the color purple. 

When your crown chakra is balanced, you feel connected to the universe and the spiritual.

A Brief History

I debated skipping out on the history of chakras, but decided to include it because I find the history and ancient-ness fascinating. Of course keep in mind this is just a brief overview that is condensing thousands of years of history into a few paragraphs. But hopefully it will give you the most important context.

According to Indian texts, the chakras were first mentioned in the Vedas, which are the oldest written texts in Hinduism. The Vedas describe the chakras as energy centers in the body that correspond to different physical and emotional qualities. From there, the concept of chakras spread throughout Hinduism, Buddhism, and other less mainstream traditions.

Of course, as the chakras idea was transmuted between cultures and religions they took on different meanings and interpretations. For example, in Buddhism, the chakras are seen as meditation points that correspond to different levels of enlightenment. In Reiki, a Japanese energy working modality, the chakras are energy centers that can be balanced and cleansed through touch.
Even today if you step into a giftshop or crystal store, you can definitely find something with the word chakra plastered all over it. 

Despite the differences between religions and traditions, all of them recognize the chakras as energy centers in the body that influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

How the Chakras Work

To use this information to help yourself, first we need to know how chakras work.

Your body has energy that is constantly flowing through it like a river of water. And along this river, are the seven chakras, each corresponding to different qualities and aspects of who you are.

When these chakras are open and fully functioning, everything's great - your body, mind, and spirit are in balance, - and you may or may not even notice them. 

But when one (or more) of these chakras becomes imbalanced, it's like your river has hit a dam. Your energy flow gets disrupted, and things start to go out of whack.

So, let's say your root chakra (which corresponds to grounding and stability) is blocked. You might start feeling anxious, unmoored, and like you can't quite find your footing in life. Or maybe your heart chakra (associated with love and compassion) is not functioning correctly - you might find yourself struggling to connect with others, or find it hard to open up to people.

And it's not just emotional stuff - unbalanced chakras can have physical ramifications. For example, an overactive third eye chakra (located in the center of your forehead) can contribute to headaches or eye problems, while a blocked sacral chakra (located in your lower abdomen) can contribute to things like boating. 

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to balance and unblock these chakras!


Here are just a few of the top benefits:

First up, increased energy. When your chakras are balanced and flowing freely, so is your energy - which means you're likely to feel more vibrant, alive, and energized.

Next, improved mood and overall well-being. Because when you're in balance, you're more likely to feel calm, centered, and content. 

Plus, a lot of working with your chakras, includes mindfulness where you have the opportunity to slow down and tune in to what your body, mind, and spirit need.
Something we all need in today's busy world!

And last but not least, greater spiritual connection. 

How to Start Working with Your Chakras

Here are a few great ideas to get you started in the right direction...

Meditation: Sitting quietly and focusing on each chakra in turn can help you tune in to your energy centers and become more aware of any imbalances or blockages.

Yoga: Many yoga poses are designed to activate and balance specific chakras, so rolling out your mat can be a great way to work with your energy centers.

Journaling: Taking some time to reflect on how you're feeling, both physically and emotionally, can help you identify any chakra-related issues that may need attention.

Energy work: From acupuncture to even just getting a massage and doing some self-care, there are a whole bunch of practices that focus specifically on balancing and unblocking the chakras - so if you're feeling stuck, you may want to seek out a practitioner in your area. (Just make sure that you agree with their personal philosophy about energy working!)

Last Thoughts

And that's all for today! 

You might feel like your head is spinning like a chakra since that was a lot of information especially if this is the first time you've heard about chakras. 

It's a great introduction and of course, there's always more to learn!

Books: There are plenty of books out there on the chakras, from beginner-friendly introductions to more in-depth explorations. I'll add some of my personal recommendations when I find my reading list... 

Online resources: From guided meditations to informational articles, there are tons of free resources available online to help you learn more about the chakras and incorporate them into your self-care routine. Some good places to start include Still Water Meditations

Hope this helped and maybe even peeked your interest.

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