
Showing posts from April, 2023

How to Journal

 April 14, 2023 Journaling is like playing a sport.  Some people love doing it, other people hate it, even more people wish they did it. I, personally, am a long standing journal-er who started back in junior high. So for me, journaling has sort of just become something I do. Like a habit I don't think about too much.  But I know that's not the case for a lot of people and the biggest hurdle they tell me about is (besides time management) "how would I even start?" Well, have no fear, because in  this blog post, we'll dive into the wonderful world of journaling and show you how to get started. Journaling can really be so much more than just a hobby.  If you're feeling stressed, stuck in a creative rut, or struggling with self-reflection, journaling can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-expression by giving you an outlet to relieve relief and improve creativity. The Basics aka What You Need to Know A lot of people have all these assumptions and ide

Quarter-Life Crisis

April 13, 2023 This post is a shout out to all the millennials, gen z-ers, and fellow twenty-somethings. It's part of the human experience that sometimes we feel stuck in life or just generally lost. Like you're not sure what you want to do or where you want to go?  It can be a source of comfort to learn that you're not alone in feeling that way. And as much as it sucks, it's all part of a process some people go through while adulting.  For me personally, it's hard to pinpoint (especially since I didn't know a young life crisis was legitimate/allowed/real) but I probably experienced this phenomena on and off since I was 16. So I'm writing with a bit of personal experience. But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. I wouldn't get very many readers if it was. lol  So in today's post, we'll be exploring what exactly a quarter-life crisis is, a little bit of its history, and why it's so important to talk about. What is a Quarter-Life

Classic Matcha Green Tea Latte

April 12, 2023 Konichiwa! Today your pallet is in for an eclectic and exotic time to the far east through the magic of matcha lattes.  This drink has become super popular recently and is pretty commonly available mainstream at Starbucks, bubble tea shops, and even Dunkin' Donuts.  So if you haven't tried it yet,  you're in for a treat with this happy beverage that combines the goodness of matcha powder with steamed milk to create a creamy and frothy drink. Where Did the Craze Come From? Matcha is actually nothing new. In fact it's pretty old and has been around for centuries, first originating in China and then being brought over to Japan in the 12th century.  The Japanese have been enjoying matcha in tea ceremonies (chanoyu) for centuries, but it wasn't until the 1990s that the matcha latte was invented. Nowadays, matcha lattes are everywhere and continue to grow in popularity because not only do they taste amazing, but they also offer a multitude of health benefit

What is Tea?

  What is Tea? Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world only after water with ~3.7 billion cups every day! Chances are, if you’re reading this you know what tea is, have encountered it, maybe even drink it on a regular basis. That’s all good and well, but it doesn’t answer the question ‘What is tea?’ What is inside your little white tea bags? What is the second most popular drink in the world? Out of the plethora of beverages and brews available to us today, which ones are tea? Why is this Important? Well, it’s not. Not if you don’t care, or are perfectly happy with your tea right now. :) On the other hand, if you’re like me, and tea is something you consume on a daily basis, it’s probably good to know a little something about what it’s made of.  Understanding what your tea is made of can not only help you brew a better cup-a, but can even increase your drinking pleasure. It’s also extremely interesting. What is Tea? It might be boring and wordy to read but if you want to

The Five Main Types of Tea

  If you’ve spent any amount of time shopping for tea, going to tea houses, and of course drinking it, you’ll start to run into some familiar names like jasmine, black tea, rooibos, and mint. However, you have those and then you also have crazy teas like Kukicha, yerba mate, Lapsang Soucha, Lady Grey, and Gunpowder. To bring some order to the chaos, teas are divided into different categories.  While there are definitely way more than just 5 categories of tea (try more like 3000), the 5 basic types of tea are: White, Green, Oolong, Red, and Pu’er, and most teas are able to be categorized as one of the 5 types. The five main types of tea: White, Green, Oolong, Red, Pu'er Fun fact: all 5 types of tea come from the same tea plant – Camellia Sinensis Sinensis. *They are NOT tisanes/herbal teas. What distinguishes one tea as a white tea and not an Oolong or Pu’er has to do with its appearance, flavor, and most importantly processing. White Tea Starting with the least processed tea, white

Chakras 101: Everything You Need to Know

  April 17, 2023 Hey there, friend! Lately I've been deep diving into a little more internal housecleaning and the subject of chakras is a reoccurring theme. So, I thought I'd share and demystify these energy centers. If you're like the me from a few years ago, you might be wondering, "What are chakras anyway? And I've gone my entire life without knowing what a chakra is, does it really matter?" Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out! What is a Chakra? At its most basic concept, chakras are energy centers in the body. And there are seven main chakras, each with its own color and associated qualities which reside along your spine from the base all the way up to the top of your head.  To get a good idea, think of chakras like little spinning wheels of light that keep your energy flowing smoothly. When your chakras are balanced and working well, you'll feel more whole both physically, mentally, and spiritually. On the flip side, when your cha