Confidant Eye Contact

You're walking down the sidewalk and someone is walking towards you and then - "Oh no!" You make eye contact 👀. "What do I do? How long should I keep looking? Am I being weird? Agh!!!" LOL. That, my friends, is a familiar scenario when it comes to eye contact. I've been there (a lot). You've probably done it too. Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of communication, and mastering it can help you build stronger relationships, exude confidence, and avoid getting stuck in awkward social situations. In today's post, we'll be taking a closer look at the art of eye contact, exploring why it's so important, and sharing some tips and tricks that you can try. Benefits Eye contact is hard. So let me start by reminding you of all the benefits that come with it so that hopefully you decide the payoff of learning confidant eye contact is worth it. Eye contact isn't just staring into someone's soul until they look away (although, it...