
Showing posts from June, 2023

Confidant Eye Contact

You're walking down the sidewalk and someone is walking towards you and then - "Oh no!" You make eye contact 👀. "What do I do? How long should I keep looking? Am I being weird? Agh!!!" LOL. That, my friends, is a familiar scenario when it comes to eye contact. I've been there (a lot). You've probably done it too. Eye contact is one of the most important aspects of communication, and mastering it can help you build stronger relationships, exude confidence, and avoid getting stuck in awkward social situations.  In today's post, we'll be taking a closer look at the art of eye contact, exploring why it's so important, and sharing some tips and tricks that you can try. Benefits Eye contact is hard. So let me start by reminding you of all the benefits that come with it so that hopefully you decide the payoff of learning confidant eye contact is worth it.  Eye contact isn't just staring into someone's soul until they look away (although, it

Deflate That Water Weight

  Have you ever, for no apparent reason looked down and noticed your stomach is pudgier than it should be? And actually, you kind of feel like a water balloon that's about to burst. Good news, it might not be fat! Bloating and puffiness are both symptoms of  excess water weight. Yesterday, I was listening to this MMA fighter explain how he lost 28lbs of water weight in 24 hours to help him get into a more advantageous fighting bracket. And I thought to myself, 28lbs is a lot of water. How much of that was excess water weight? And how much excess water weight do people carry around without even realizing it? So, today, we're going to talk about practical tips for reducing water weight and getting back to feeling like your best, hydrated self.  The Basics What exactly is water weight?  Well, simply put, it's the extra water that our bodies hold onto, often resulting in that "puffy" feeling.  This is especially true if you are experiencing any type of inflammation. W

Svadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra

  Hello and welcome back to our exploration of chakras!  Check out our related posts:  Chakras 101: Everything You Need to Know If you're new to chakras here's a quick recap. Chakras are seven energy centers located throughout the body that play a vital role in balancing our mind, body, and spirit. Think of them as spinning wheels that help us maintain harmony within ourselves. Today, we're going to take a closer look at Svadhisthana, or the sacral chakra.  Located in the lower abdomen, this chakra is all about our creativity and emotions, making it one of the most fun and dynamic chakras to explore. Svadhisthana Svadhisthana literally translates to "one's own dwelling place" in Sanskrit, which makes sense considering it's all about our own unique emotions and creativity. Physically, Svadhisthana is located in the lower abdomen, right below the navel. It's associated with organs such as the reproductive system, bladder, and kidneys. So, if you ever fee

How Now Brown... Fat?

Not all fat is equal. Did you know there are different types of fat? Most people only know about subcutaneous and visceral fat. But today, I'm introducing you to  the world of brown fat, where your fat works for you and is actually a good thing!  Brown fat is a type of adipose tissue that's been making headlines for its ability to burn calories and generate heat, all while keeping you cozy and warm.  Unlike its flabby cousin, white fat (which is what most people think of when they hear "fat" think the white section of a strip of bacon), brown fat is packed with mitochondria and a special protein called UCP1 that can turn fat into energy.  But that's not all – brown fat has also been linked to a host of health benefits, from weight loss to improved insulin sensitivity and even a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.  What is Brown Fat? Ah, brown fat – the spunky little cousin of the flabby, lazy white fat that we all know and (probably) have a bit of a love hate re