Svadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra


Hello and welcome back to our exploration of chakras! 

Check out our related posts: Chakras 101: Everything You Need to Know

If you're new to chakras here's a quick recap. Chakras are seven energy centers located throughout the body that play a vital role in balancing our mind, body, and spirit. Think of them as spinning wheels that help us maintain harmony within ourselves.

Today, we're going to take a closer look at Svadhisthana, or the sacral chakra. 

Located in the lower abdomen, this chakra is all about our creativity and emotions, making it one of the most fun and dynamic chakras to explore.


Svadhisthana literally translates to "one's own dwelling place" in Sanskrit, which makes sense considering it's all about our own unique emotions and creativity.

Physically, Svadhisthana is located in the lower abdomen, right below the navel. It's associated with organs such as the reproductive system, bladder, and kidneys. So, if you ever feel a little off in that area, it could be a sign that your Svadhisthana could use some attention. 

All your chakras are important, but Svadhisthana especially plays a crucial role in balancing our emotions and creativity. 

When this chakra is in balance, we're able to more easily express ourselves freely and enjoy our passions without feeling held back. 

We're also able to feel and process our emotions in a healthier way, without getting overwhelmed or stuck in negative thought patterns. So, basically, it helps us tap into our own uniqueness.

(Feelings and feeling my feelings has been a big theme for me lately, so it was nice to kind of tie that into this chakra post.)

Out of Balance

Some people can feel when their chakras are out of whack, but for most of us, watching for certain signs is a good tell. 

An overactive Svadhisthana might leave you feeling overwhelmed with emotions, like you're on an emotional rollercoaster that won't stop. You might also feel like you're lacking control over your creativity, bouncing from one project to the next without finishing anything.

On the flip side, an underactive Svadhisthana can leave you feeling creatively blocked and emotionally numb. You might have trouble expressing yourself and find it difficult to tap into your passions and desires.

Either way, an imbalanced Svadhisthana can really put a damper on your emotional and creative well-being. 

It can make you feel out of touch with yourself and leave you struggling to find joy in the things you used to love.

An imbalanced Svadhisthana can also manifest physically in the body. You might experience issues with your reproductive system, bladder, or kidneys. 

So, it's important to pay attention to how your body is feeling and make sure to take care of your Svadhisthana for optimal energetic health!

Ideas for how to Rebalance

Of course, knowing if your sacral chakra is out of balance is only helpful if we can do something about it. So here are some easy tips to help balance your sacral chakra and get those creative juices flowing:

First up, meditation and yoga can be super helpful in balancing Svadhisthana. Try incorporating poses like pigeon or lizard pose to stimulate the area around your sacral chakra. Or, practice visualizing the color orange (the color associated with this chakra) during your meditation practice.

Check out our related post: 

Certain physical activities. Dancing or swimming can be a great way to connect with your body and get those creative juices flowing. 

Though when it comes to activities to help energetically balance chakras, I find it's more important to really, really enjoy the activity rather than simply doing one because it was recommended. So, for example, if you love biking and don't really care for swimming, going for a bike ride will probably help your overall energy much more than an activity you don't actually enjoy.

Mindfulness and self-care. This could mean journaling your emotions, practicing self-compassion, or simply taking time to do something you enjoy.

Check out our related post: Getting Started with Mindfulness

When your Svadhisthana is balanced, you'll likely notice improvements in your emotional and creative well-being. 

You might feel more confident expressing yourself creatively, or find it easier to process your emotions in a healthy way. 


I know today's post was a little bit shorter than normal, but I think we touched on the most important points when it comes to your sacral chakra, aka Svadhisthana. 

Here's a little recap:

Svadhisthana is the second chakra located in the pelvic area and is associated with emotions, creativity, and sensuality.

Signs of an imbalanced Svadhisthana can include emotional rollercoasters, creative blocks, and physical issues with the reproductive system, bladder, or kidneys.

Balancing Svadhisthana can be achieved through practices like meditation, yoga, and physical activities such as dancing or swimming.

A balanced Svadhisthana can lead to improved emotional and creative well-being.

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