80/20 | The Pareto Principle

Hello everyone! Recently, I came across something that made me rethink a lot of my habits and routines. At one point my morning routine took 2 hours and I was looking to cut down on time while maintaining the same amount of effectiveness. And that's when I ran into the 80/20 rule. Have you ever wondered how a tiny fraction of efforts can lead to great results? Well, that's what we're looking at today through the lens of the 80/20 rule also known as the Pareto Principle. The 80-20 Rule & Its Origin (Vilfredo Pareto): Vilfredo Pareto, was an Italian economist with a knack for unraveling the mysteries of wealth distribution. Back in the day, Pareto stumbled upon a jaw-dropping realization that 80% of Italy's wealth was controlled by a mere 20% of its population! He soon recognized a pattern emerging—a relationship where a small fraction of causes produced a lion's share of effects. And thus, the legendary 80-20 rule, named after its insightful creator, was bor...