Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra

Check out: Chakras 101: Everything You Need to Know

To continue my somewhat disjointed series on the chakras, today we're looking at the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, also known as Manipura.

If you have no idea where your solar plexus is, it's nestled just below your ribcage, and this is where Manipura resides, empowering you to tap into your personal power and embrace your unique essence.

Understanding Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra
Manipura is the last of the three "bare necessity" chakras, so it's not surprising that it is also pretty powerful.
Think of this chakra like a radiant yellow sun, nestled right in the core of your being. 

Manipura is all about fiery flair as this chakra represents your inner spark, your confidence, and your unique sense of self. (Pretty important, right?) 
Inside the chakra system, Manipura, being the third chakra, holds a key position. It's the powerhouse that fuels your confidence, courage, and personal power. 
When Manipura is in balance, you'll feel like a superhero with an unstoppable drive to conquer your goals and dreams. And if you feel like yours could be stronger (me too) don't worry because we've got plenty of ideas you can try.

Characteristics and Attributes of Manipura
Element: Fire

Thinking about Manipura as a mini sun isn't too far off since this chakra's element is fire! Just like a crackling bonfire on a summer night, Manipura ignites your inner strength and passion. (A different type of passion than the sexual and sensual energies of the root and sacral chakras) It's the spark that fuels your wildest dreams and sets your soul ablaze with enthusiasm. 

Color: Yellow

Yellow, just like our yellow sun is the color that embodies Manipura – sunny, bright, and full of zest! 

When your Manipura chakra is in harmony, you'll radiate confidence and optimism like sunbeams. So, wear that yellow shirt, surround yourself with sunny hues, and let the color yellow infuse your confidence.

Sound: Ram

This is pretty self explanatory.

Check out: 

Physical association: Digestive system, metabolism 

The chakras are usually very closely tied to the area of the body they inhabit and the solar plexus chakra is no different as it has a huge effect on your trusty digestive system and metabolism. 

When in balance, Manipura keeps things flowing smoothly. So, listen to your gut (quite literally) and nourish your body with wholesome foods that fuel your inner fire.

Emotional and mental characteristics of Manipura

In addition to the physical effects, chakras have an emotional and mental component. Manipura is your confidence booster, your courage amplifier, and your go-to source for all things self-esteem. 


When Manipura is balanced, you'll feel like a superhero, ready to conquer the world with your radiant charisma. 

Balancing Manipura
If you find yourself struggling with self-doubt, lacking confidence, or feeling disconnected from your personal power, it's time to give Manipura a little TLC.
And if you're like me, after reading the previous section^ you're probably thinking that your solar plexus chakra could use a little boost. :)

Meditation and visualization exercises

Here, visualization meditations especially of fire, feeling the heat and power of Manipura are extremely helpful. Visualize yourself radiating confidence, courage, and unwavering self-belief. 

Check out:  


Breathing exercises and pranayama
Take a deep breath in, feeling the energy rise from your belly to your solar plexus. Hold it for a moment, savoring the power within, and then exhale, releasing any self-doubt or negativity. Repeat this breathwork, feeling the fire within you grow stronger with each mindful breath. 

Simple deep breathing exercises like this one are a simple way to clear and strengthen your chakras.

Yoga postures and asanas

Certain yoga postures activate the solar plexus, such as Boat Pose (Navasana) or Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III). Feel the strength and confidence radiating from your core as you hold these poses. The practice of yoga can help you find balance and cultivate a deep connection with your personal power.


Affirmations and mantras
Repeat positive statements that are focused on confidence and personal agency like "I am confident and worthy of success" or "I embrace my personal power and shine brightly." 

Check out: 


Aromatherapy and essential oils
Choose uplifting scents like lemon, grapefruit, or ginger to invigorate your senses and stoke that inner fire. You can diffuse these oils, mix them with carrier oils for a massage, or even add a few drops to your bath for a blissful soak. 

Just don't over do it as essential oils are very powerful. 

One or two drops is usually enough to give you the boost you're looking for.

Strengthening Manipura

Strengthening and balancing chakras are similar and connected, but not quite the same thing. So if you think that your chakra is in need of strengthening more than balancing, try these ideas.

 Nurturing self-confidence and personal power

Embrace your quirks, flaunt your uniqueness, and strut through life like a peacock on a runway. Believe in yourself, because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Remind yourself regularly that you have what it takes to conquer any challenge that comes your way!

Cultivating self-discipline and willpower

(Hey, I said these would strengthen your chakra, I didn't say they were going to be easy)

Embrace the art of saying "no" to distractions and "yes" to your priorities. 

Remember that every step you take towards self-discipline and willpower strengthens your solar plexus chakra, and your entire self.


Fostering a sense of purpose and direction

Take a moment to explore your passions, values, and dreams. Ask what sets your soul on fire? Embrace your purpose, and your solar plexus chakra will naturally become fired up along the way.


Building healthy relationships and boundaries

It's complicated, right? Well, use Manipura's intuitive self agency by helping you establish healthy connections and rock-solid boundaries. 

Decide to surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, while setting clear boundaries that protect your energy and well-being. 
(I cannot stress enough how important protecting your energy is! Make it a priority!)

Remember, you deserve relationships that ignite your inner fire, not ones that douse it!

Engaging in activities that ignite passion and creativity

Engage in activities that "ignite" your inner fire, whether it's painting, dancing, writing, or belting out your favorite tunes in the shower. 

Embrace your unique talents and let your creative spark energize you!

Healing and Unblock Manipura

Identifying blockages and imbalances in Manipura

Look out for signs like a lack of confidence, digestive issues, or feeling stuck in a rut. 

These are the most tell tale clues that Manipura might need a little TLC.

Seeking professional help for energy healing and therapies

If you're new to chakra balancing or not very energetically sensitive yet, or just short on time, don't hesitate to seek the help of energy healers or therapists. 

Often times, trained energy workers can do boat loads more in an hour than you can do on your own in a week or a month.


Using crystals and gemstones for Manipura healing

Look for gems like citrine, amber, or yellow calcite.

 Hold them close, meditate with them, or even wear them as jewelry to soak up their empowering vibes. But just like essential oils, don't over do it.


Incorporating a balanced diet and mindful eating habits

Embrace the power of nourishing foods like whole grains, yellow fruits and vegetables, and spices that ignite your taste buds. 

Color correlation is a helpful way to remember.

Practice mindful eating by savoring each bite, appreciating the nourishment it provides. Remember, that this chakra is directly tied to your metabolism and digestion so keep it happy and healthy. 

Daily Practices for Manipura Activation

Morning rituals to ignite Manipura energy

Kickstart your day with some Manipura activation! Start your mornings with rituals that ignite your inner fire.  

Get your energy and body moving, set positive intentions for the day ahead, affirm your confidence and personal power, and don't forget to enjoy a cup of energizing tea or add a  zesty citrus twist to your breakfast. 


Mindfulness exercises throughout the day

Take moments to pause and breathe deeply, feeling the fire within you grow brighter with each mindful inhale. 
Practice gratitude for the things that ignite your passion and purpose. 

Check out: Getting Started with Mindfulness

Evening practices to release tension and restore balance

Engage in evening practices that release tension and soothe your energy. 

Take a soothing bath infused with essential oils that promote relaxation and calmness. 

Engage in gentle yoga stretches or meditation to release any stress that may have accumulated throughout the day. 

Before drifting off to sleep, reflect on the achievements and moments that made your inner self dance with joy. 

Embracing a Balanced Manipura

Recognizing the signs of a balanced Manipura

When your solar plexus chakra is in balance your inner fire is blazing bright, your confidence is soaring, and you're radiating the kind of personal power that turns heads.
You feel a deep sense of self-worth and your digestion is as smooth as butter. 

These are all signs that Manipura is dancing in harmony. So, keep going!


Celebrating personal power and authentic self-expression

Embrace your quirks, your passions, and your unique self expression.

Sustaining a harmonious relationship with Manipura

Just like any relationship, sustaining a healthy solar plexus chakra requires love, attention, and a dash of sage advice. 

Check in with yourself to ensure that your solar plexus chakra is still humming along beautifully. 

Engage in activities that ignite your passions and keep that inner fire burning bright. 

Practice self-care and self-compassion, setting healthy boundaries that protect your personal power. 

And don't forget to sprinkle in a healthy dose of laughter, because humor and being able to laugh at yourself is a powerful part of self confidence.

In Conclusion

Manipura, like a radiant sun, fuels our self-confidence, personal power, and sense of purpose. It's where passion, creativity, and authentic self-expression come alive. With its fiery element, yellow hue, and empowering "Ram" sound, Manipura is truly a personal power house. 

I encourage you to embark on your own journey of discovering and embracing the power of your solar plexus chakra. Embrace your quirks, tap into your personal power, and unleash your authentic self.
As you get back to doing life, remember to integrate Manipura's vibrant energy into your everyday. Rise and shine with morning rituals that ignite your inner fire, sprinkle mindfulness throughout your day to keep your Manipura happy, and unwind in the evening with practices that release tension and restore balance. 

Embrace your personal power, unleash your authenticity, and radiate confidence!

All rights reserved ©The Modern Sage Life


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